Tuesday 4 August 2009

JORDAN, M D (ed): Authorising Marriage?

The opponents of legal recognition for same-sex marriage frequently appeal to a "Judeo-Christian" tradition. But does it make any sense to speak of that tradition as a single teaching on marriage? Are there elements in Jewish and Christian traditions that actually authorize religious and civil recognition of same-sex couples? And are contemporary heterosexual marriages well supported by those traditions? As evidenced by the ten provocative essays assembled and edited by Mark D. Jordan, the answers are not as simple as many would believe. The scholars of Judaism and Christianity gathered here explore the issue through a wide range of biblical, historical, liturgical, and theological evidence. From David's love for Jonathan through the singleness of Jesus and Paul to the all-male heaven of John's Apocalypse, the collection addresses pertinent passages in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament with scholarly precision. It reconsiders whether there are biblical precedents for blessing same-sex unions in Jewish and Christian liturgies. The book concludes by analyzing typical religious arguments against such unions and provides a comprehensive response to claims that the Judeo-Christian tradition prohibits same-sex unions from receiving religious recognition. The essays, most of which are in print here for the first time, are by Saul M. Olyan, Mary Ann Tolbert, Daniel Boyarin, Laurence Paul Hemming, Steven Greenberg, Kathryn Tanner, Susan Frank Parsons, Eugene F. Rogers, Jr., and Mark D. Jordan.


Mark D Jordan: Introduction

Saul M Olyan: “Surpassing the Love of Women “ Another look at 2 Samuel 1:26 and the relationship of David and Johnathan

Dale B Martin: Familiar Idolatry and the Christian Case against Marriage.

Mary Ann Tolbert: Marriage and Friendship in the Christian New Testament: Ancient Resources for Contemporary Same-Sex Unions

Daniel Boyarin: Why is Rabbi Yohanin a Woman? or, A Queer Marriage Gone Bad: “Platonic Love” in the Talmud.

Laurence Paul Hemming Can I Really Count on You?

Steven Greenberg

Contemplating a Jewish Ritual of same-sex Union: An Inquiry into the Meaning of Marriage

Mark D Jordan: Arguing Liturgical Genealogies, or, the Ghosts of Weddings Past.

Kathryn Tanner: Hooker and the new Puritans

Susan Frank Parsons: Ad Imaginem Dei: Is There a Moral Here?

Eugene F Rogers JR: Trinity, Marriage and Homosexuality

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